
Allergy to cosmetics - What to watch out for

Women use many things every day cosmetics both on the face and on the body.

Many times, even though cosmetics are used to beautify or take care of us, there is a chance that they create a allergy or some skin disease.

So if you know you have a sensitivity or want to take precautions, follow these tips.

What should we watch out for!

  • Whenever you want to buy a new product or company that you haven't used before, carefully read the ingredients to see if it contains anything that is known to cause you an allergy.
  • Always make sure that the product you want to buy is hypoallergenic and does not contain parabens.
  • Avoid creams and any skin cosmetics that contain fragrance. A very large percentage of women, creates an allergic symptom from the fragrance of the cosmetic.
  • Do not use cosmetics after their expiration date, even the most natural ones. Stop using the product if it changes color or smell, even before it expires. Most expire in 12 months. There is a chance that one of the ingredients it contains may cause you an allergy.
  • Always even after purchase, before using it all over our face or body, we do a test on a small area of our skin.
  • They don't use your cosmetics, other people besides you, just like you don't test on your skin of another person. There is a high chance of transferring a possible skin disease or germ from one to the other.

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