
What is mulberry? Where is it caused and how is the cyst on the face removed?

The mullet is a small, white or yellowish cyst that appears either singly or in a cluster, most often on the nose, eyelids or cheeks. It is a mass of accumulated keratin and is formed when this protein is trapped under the surface layer of the skin. Keratin is a tough protein found mainly in skin, hair and nails. Cysts can occur at any age, from babies to the elderly, but are most common in newborns.

Cysts are often confused with Epstein pearls, whitish or yellowish cysts that appear on the gums and mouth of newborns.

Where is it due to?

The causes of goiter in babies remain unknown. In older children and adults, its appearance is usually associated with skin lesions:

– skin conditions accompanied by pustules, such as bullous pemphigoid, bullous congenital dermatosis or porphyria cutaneous

– burn

– allergy and irritation, e.g. from poison ivy

– procedures such as dermabrasion and laser skin resurfacing

– chronic damage from solar radiation

How do we recognize it?

A stye is a small cyst that protrudes from the skin and has a whitish or yellowish color. It usually does not cause itching or pain. Contact with fabrics (sheets, pillowcases, clothes) can irritate the chancre and cause redness (redness) at the site.

The rickets are divided into subcategories, depending on the age at which they appear or the cause of their appearance.


The dermatologist will examine the skin and be able to conclude whether it is ringworm based on the typical characteristics of the rash.

In infants and very young children, no medical intervention is necessary, as the ganglion usually ruptures on its own within a few weeks. In older children and adults, it may go away within a few months of its appearance.

If the mole is frequently irritated or causes discomfort, the dermatologist can remove it with the help of a sterile needle, diathermy, cautery, or cryotherapy. The specialist may alternatively suggest the application of retinoids, chemical peeling or laser.

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