
Beautiful and safe on the beach! Article by Teta Kamboureli in the magazine ok!

We are going through the favorite season of most Greeks. The summer! All year long we can't wait for him to come, to run on the magical beaches of our country, to have fun but also to relax.

What would you say along with all this to do our beaute at the same time, to enjoy all these good things that this season offers us and to do it correctly, healthily and for our benefit?   

So let's start with the basics and essentials….

Beautiful and safe on the beach

Hydration is the most basic step for soft and supple skin on the face and body, but also the key to shiny and healthy hair. And in this case I mean hydration from the inside out... So what do we never forget? Little mermaid. We always have bottles of ice water with us on the beach.

The sun may be necessary, we want to get as much vitamin D as we can but reckless exposure to it damages the skin.

Sunscreen is essential and we should never forget to apply it all over the body and face. But if we want to have our self-confidence high, we can wear a sunscreen with a color and a high protection index and shine under the sun, but never forgetting to wear a hat. Find a design and a color you like and become the most stylish on the beach.

Super Tip: If you don't have a tinted sunscreen, you can mix your sunscreen with a small amount of your make up and you're ready! In fact, you can use this throughout the day and completely remove the make-up that "weighs" the face in the summer months.

Taperaki on the beach

Yes, you read that right, you will take your tapers with you and you will not be ashamed of it at all. Nutrition is the key and rather than eating sweets and sandwiches from a canteen it is better to have done a little preparation at home.

Inside your fridge you will have seasonal fruits, such as peaches and bananas which are easy to clean, provide immediate energy to the body, are rich in potassium and most importantly... easy to digest so you don't have a problem swimming.

Nuts and dried fruits

Put a variety of your favorite nuts and dried fruits in a bowl. Almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, flaxseed, sunflower seed, cranberries, raisins, blueberries or figs. Choose nuts without salt so they don't dehydrate you further.

Light sandwiches

You can put chicken in whole wheat bread and combine them with vegetables and low-fat cheese.

SOS: Remember that food left in a portable cooler can only be eaten if it is cool to the touch and when the cooler and ice packs remain frozen. If you have any suspicion that they have been spoiled, throw them away immediately.

Always in the… hair

It's the season for the perfect wavy hair that will have everyone wondering if you went to the salon before the beach. Take your dip, divide your hair into 3 parts and do 3 different braids. Once they're dry, set them free and you're good to go!

Extra tip for healthy hair: Before diving into the sea make sure you have wet your hair with water from the tap. This way they will be less affected by the salt.

Natural exfoliation with sand

The most inexpensive scrub and at the same time beneficial for the skin. Take a small amount of sand and mix it with your sunscreen. Rub with gentle movements all over the body and face (never around the eyes), paying more attention to places such as the elbows, knees, heels and even between the toes that suffered so much all winter from closed shoes !

Once you are done with the exfoliation process, dive into the sea and enjoy the feeling of rejuvenation.


This summer, treat yourself a little more, relax by reading books, drink your cocktails choosing the ones with less sugar, swim as much as you can, play beach volleyball, do gymnastics exercises in the water, follow my advice and live an unforgettable summer!

My article in the magazine ok!

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