
Everything you need to know about birth control pills!

The contraceptive pills, put many women in dilemmas and create questions!

How they work and how effective they are
To put it as simply as possible, birth control pills somehow "trick" the body and prevent ovulation. They also prevent the creation of endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus that is enriched with valuable elements every month to receive the fertilized egg). At the same time, contraceptives create thick cervical mucus that makes it difficult for the sperm to pass through to the egg. They are considered among the most effective methods of contraception, where the success rate reaches 98%. Will you gain weight if you take birth control pills?
The birth control pills that each woman takes are ideal for her own situation. Today, in fact, contraceptive pills have nothing to do with those that were on the market in previous decades. In general, contraceptives are low in estrogen so they don't cause weight gain. If a feeling of "bloating" is observed, this is due to fluid retention that may occur or to the greater appetite that can be created. Either way, with simple monitoring and changing the pill if necessary, you won't have any problems.

Is depression linked to birth control pills?
There are cases of women who have reported changes in their psychology during the first time they take birth control pills. However, these cases are quite rare, and usually the depression pre-existed and may have worsened after taking the pills.

Contraceptives and normalization of the cycle
Many women take birth control pills to fix their cycle! This means that no abnormality is caused in the cycle, since the woman's body acts normally during menstruation.

Sterility and contraceptives
Contraceptives do not affect fertility or a future pregnancy. On the contrary, after stopping them the chances of conception are significantly increased.

"Contraceptive pills are a valuable tool in the hands of an experienced gynecologist. With the right pills the woman will not face any problems and will be able to enjoy her love life without the fear of unwanted pregnancy. Finally, it is good to know that the risks of a scraping are statistically much greater than any rare side effect of contraceptives that is easily treatable with a visit to a gynecologist!





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