
Grandma's medicine cabinets! He experienced cough and indigestion

You know how much I love to share with you natural recipes her grandmother my. The ancients knew more than that and made their own medical potions to heal themselves without using drugs.

Because I know how much you like these recipes from nature, every week I will also prepare an article with such topics!

So today we will see how we can "cure" him cough and the indigestion.


Cough often causes irritation and indignation as well as difficulties in sleeping.

So you can find the thyme solution with just one decoction. The dosage is one sprig for every cup of water you drink. As soon as the water starts to boil, add the twig and leave for 10 minutes. Then we strain it and drink it plain or with honey.


Stress and gluttony are two of the main causes that can cause indigestion as well as overeating. Symptoms of indigestion are bloating and pain in the abdominal area.

The herbs that help against indigestion are saffron, louisa, sage and dill.

If you have never tried making dill decoction before, boil two teaspoons of seeds in a liter of water for 10-15 minutes and drink it!


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