
Leek: Its beneficial properties and how to use it

Leek is a very popular vegetable that we use in cooking and it belongs to the onion and garlic family.

It is rich in nutrients, consists of 90% of water and has minimal calories.

It is diuretic and acts against cellulite. Helps to treat constipation. Also, a leek juice lotion helps to beautify the face and remove redness and pimples while also relieving mosquito bites.

It has a soothing effect on blisters, joint swelling, ulcers and angina. It prevents anemia as it has a high iron content.

Its syrup helps in loss of voice, cough, hoarseness, tracheitis and pharyngitis.


How to use leek:

  • Leek juice is drunk as a tea for its diuretic effect. Regular consumption of this broth preserves the beauty of the face and prevents premature aging of the skin.
  • Combine the leek decoction with a little honey against airway inflammation.
  • Boil the leek leaves and apply the poultice hot.
  • If you have brown hair, apply a small amount of the decoction to your hair. It gives an amazing shade to the hair.


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