
Too much coconut on Survivor: See what happens if you drink coconut water for a week

If you watch the popular game Survivor you will have given up 1000% how players basically feed on coconuts. Have you ever wondered what will happen to your body if you drink coconut water for a week?

The coconut water it strengthens your immune system and removes bacteria that cause urinary tract infections, gonorrhea, gum disease and viruses that cause colds, infectious diseases and typhoid.

Your energy level after a few days of drinking coconut water will increase and your thyroid gland will work better. This water acts as a natural diuretic and is very useful for people who have kidney diseases. It will help to clean the urinary system and bladder channels. Toxins should be eliminated and kidney stones will be broken down.

Coconut water contains a large amount of fiber, which makes it very good for our digestive system. With its regular consumption, stomach acid will be eliminated.

Due to the low level of fat it has, you can drink it in large quantity without fear. Coconut water will reduce your appetite and keep you fuller, which will lead to weight loss.

You can even mix this water with olive oil to fight any intestinal parasites.

Experts say if you drink coconut water on a regular basis, you will be able to solve some health problems during pregnancy as well. With just one cup of coconut water, it will balance the electrolytes in your body. When they are out of balance they can cause hypertension.

If you want your skin to be hydrated during the day, drink a cup of coconut water. If you have lost too much energy with some strenuous physical activity, you can regain your energy with coconut water.


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