
Childhood obesity: guidelines for avoiding extra pounds

The appearance childhood obesity in children is now a rapidly spreading epidemic. The fast pace of everyday life may make it difficult for parents to follow a healthy diet, but they should remember that a child's nutritional principles in the early stages of life have long-term effects on his health. In the context of trying to adopt a healthy diet and physical well-being of the child, parents should follow the following guidelines, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

  1. Smart shopping: it would be good for them to carefully choose the food they choose to buy, on the one hand to reduce costs and on the other hand to "give" a good example to the children with the food they choose themselves.
  2. Easy access to healthy options: it would be good if fruits and low-calorie snacks are easily accessible to the child at any time he wants them, such as a bowl of fruit on the kitchen table, instead of a bowl of cookies.
  3. Pay attention to portions: because the trend tends to increase the portions that children consume, even a smaller plate size will help parents limit the amounts that the child consumes.
  4. Breakfast: avoiding meals during the day, especially breakfast, is associated with increased rates of obesity. Waking up in the morning and the obligations can create stress and pressure, it would be good for parents to take care of an easy breakfast that the child can take with him on the road.
  5. Cooking for everyone: cooking can be an activity in which the whole family participates. In this way, the children follow the entire process and the materials used, while they are more likely to choose foods that they know they themselves have helped to prepare.
  6. Color everywhere: the more colors the dish has, the healthier it is! So parents can even plan a "competition" for who will have the most colors on the plate they choose to eat, within the family.
  7. Free choice: it is good for parents to remember to give the child the necessary opportunity to make his choice regarding the food he will consume, as long as it is always healthy choices (eg what would you like for dinner, a yogurt or a salad?) .
  8. Limiting snacks: children's diet should be based on 3 main meals and 1-2 snacks during the day. It would be good not to teach the child to snack constantly, while sweets should only be chosen on specific occasions and should not be part of the daily diet.
  9. Tfood is not punishment or praise: under no circumstances should food be part of a punishment ("you won't eat sweets") or instead a reward ("I'll get you ice cream").
  10. Closed TV: last rule though very important! The TV should be turned off during meals, as it has been shown to lead to the consumption of larger amounts of food, while the most creative family time together is lost in front of the screen.



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