
World Breast Cancer Day: Answers to the most frequently asked questions about the disease

As part of breast cancer awareness month in October every year, October 25th has been established as World Breast Cancer Day. The aim of the actions promoted throughout October and especially on the 25th of the month is to provide more complete information about the disease and to support patients.
In honor of today, we present to you some frequently asked questions about breast cancer and the answers given by experts.
– Does physical exercise reduce the risk of breast cancer?

Physical exercise strengthens the immune system and helps with weight management. Just three hours of exercise a week, or about 30 minutes of exercise a day, reduces the risk of breast cancer. No sport or gym membership required. A brisk walk is enough to achieve benefits from physical activity.
– Does a healthy diet prevent breast cancer?

A nutritious diet with low fat intake (30 or less grams per day), rich in green and orange fruits and vegetables, reduces the risk of breast cancer. Conversely, a high-fat diet is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer because fat promotes the production of estrogen, which in turn can trigger cancerous tumor growth.
– Does drinking alcohol increase the risk of breast cancer?

Measure is the "key" in this case. One alcoholic drink a day slightly increases the risk of breast cancer, but when the amount increases then alcohol emerges as a significant risk factor. It should be noted that the type of drink (wine, beer, etc.) does not play a particular role in the estimated risk.
– How often should breast self-examination be done?

Breast self-examination is recommended once a month. Look for changes in breast tissue such as breast size, lumps, folds or wrinkles of the skin, changes in the nipple, redness or peeling of the skin of the breast/nipple, or discharge from the nipple. Consult your doctor if you notice changes that do not go away. Breast self-examination should be done 7-10 days after the first day of the period. For postmenopausal women, self-examination should be done on the same day each month.
– What role does heredity play in breast cancer?

Family history is considered a risk factor for breast cancer, however not all women who develop breast cancer have a relative who has developed the disease.
– Does the mammogram hurt?

Mammography is accompanied by discomfort and discomfort, since it involves putting pressure on the breast. Women with breast sensitivity are advised to proceed with the examination about a week after the period, so that the breast is less sensitive. Also, the doctor may suggest taking a pain reliever one hour before the mammogram.
– What role does reproductive history play in breast cancer?

Women who had their first period before the age of 12, women who have not had children or had their first child at 30 or later or entered menopause before the age of 55 are estimated to be at greater risk. This means that, according to the available data, reproductive history and the number of periods during a lifetime play a role in the chances of developing breast cancer.
– What role does stress play in breast cancer?

Studies have shown that factors such as a past traumatic experience or the loss of a loved one affect the immune system, thereby facilitating the growth of cancer cells. Stress as a risk factor for breast cancer is not so much about the stressful event itself as about its ineffective management.




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