
The cold has begun! This way you will protect your skin

The cold has started for good - it was time! - and you should know some tips, which you should follow in order to protect the cuticle you!


Exfoliation is A and Z all seasons of the year!
Use scrubs that will contain ingredients such as honey and rose, which preserve the skin's natural moisture.


After you have done your scrub and removed dirt and dead cells, the serum is necessary.

Moisturizing cream

How many times have I told you about hydration! And I won't stop doing it. After you have done the above, a... strong layer of moisturizing cream and, if you want, anti-aging cream is necessary.


You should remember that whatever you do on your face, you should follow the same steps on your hands as well as on your whole body. Of course, you will also exfoliate and apply your creams. But don't forget that you can't use the same products on your face and body.

Find a super body cream HERE (The most effective also for cellulite).

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