
Cold and dry skin: Simple tips to deal with it and natural recipes for prevention

An earlier article of mine in Ok!

We are going through the period when all my friends and clients come to me and ask me for advice on how to deal with dry skin on the face, hands and body in general.

It is undoubtedly something very annoying and many times commercial creams do not help much, while if you decide to use one, you should have researched well which one it will be.

I am sure that many and many of you face the same problem every year at this time. That's why I decided to give you solutions, inexpensive and effective as always.

The worst, especially for women's faces, is when the nose gets irritated, red and dry - usually after a cold. In addition to the fact that it hurts, it is also a bit unsightly as a sight, while it also makes makeup very difficult. All you have to do is gently spread a little vaseline and renew it at regular intervals. I have told you that Vaseline is a "miracle" and in this case it is equally useful and necessary.

It can be just as useful if you spread it on your knees, elbows and even your soles! You can even spread it on the soles of your feet before going to bed and putting on your socks. You won't believe how velvety your feet will be when you wake up in the morning!

To deal with it dry scalp, you need to make sure you bathe with lukewarm or even cold water if you can stand it and not hot because heat opens the pores and aggravates the problem and at the same time you need to stock up on a special shampoo against dry skin.

The hands us, on the other hand, are together with the face the most exposed points to weather conditions. So before going out into the cold, apply a good moisturizer and if you can, wear a pair of gloves.

Soft lips that don't flake off.

And who doesn't want them? The following recipe is ideal and if this lip balm that you will make at home is used regularly, they will always be hydrated.


– 1 tbsp beeswax

– 2 vitamin E capsules

– 10 ml of rose water

– 5 drops essential oil of your choice


Heat the beeswax in a bain-marie and as soon as it melts, slowly add the rest of the ingredients.

Mix well and store in an airtight glass jar. You leave it for a few hours to cool down well and you can start using it!

Tip: As for your lips make sure not to lick or bite them because they dry out very quickly!

To my male friends now that they think that because they have beard, they will not have dry skin, I want to say that they are making a big mistake.

The skin under the beard has the same need for treatment and care, especially in the cold winter months.

So don't be shy about exfoliating with a special cleansing soap. Rub in circular motions to remove dead cells and then apply your moisturizer.

In general, it would be good to include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, while water is equally essential, unlike alcohol and coffee, which cause dehydration.  

Prevention is everything, so make sure you are prepared so that dry skin doesn't knock on your door.

You can also use the hand-foot cream from the Teta's Lab series, which promises a velvety effect and ends that are softer than ever, which you can combine with the peeling from the same series!

You can get my creams HERE

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