
This snack is addictive

Researchers they warn us that it is not good for health because one piece is never enough for us.

No matter how we taste it - vegetarian, only with cheese and tomato or in its special version with chicken, mushrooms, pepper, pepperoni, we love it for being in our lives. Of course one slice of pizza is never enough. However, University of Michigan researchers who have been studying addictive foods for years found that pizza belongs to the guilty list. For what reason;

Contains sugar. The hidden sources of sugar are in the sauce and the flour. Sugar alone has been shown to cause addiction and glycosylation, a condition that breaks down the skin's collagen.

It has fast-burning processed carbohydrates. This means that blood glucose rises quickly and falls just as quickly. When the levels are not stable we are hungry again and want a second and third and fourth piece. Foods such as chocolate and French fries are also on the same list.

The smart solution: Replace the dough with cauliflower (it's the Latin American version of pizza) or black flour and add fresh ingredients.


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