
These are the 5 foods that protect eyesight

Freshwater fish, such as salmon and tuna, retain their moisture eyes and they make them healthy!

Salmon. Research has shown that a Mediterranean diet that includes fish (so an excellent source of Omega 3) reduces the risk of macular degeneration, a condition that leads to blurred vision. Australian researchers found that those who consumed one serving of fish a week were more protected than those who ate it once a month. Freshwater fish such as salmon and tuna keep the eyes moist and healthy. More specifically, Omega 3 fats provide structural support to the cell membranes of the eyes.

Avocado. It is full of antioxidants and reduces the harmful light that enters the eye, thus reducing the risk of cataracts. Avocado is also rich in vitamin C, which has been linked to eye protection and health as it protects us from UV radiation.

Eggs. They are an excellent source of vitamin A and we need it because it reduces eye dryness. Saffron contains an antioxidant that protects the eyes against the sun's harmful UV rays. In addition, a study from Purdue University found that the body can get more carotenoids from raw vegetables when they are combined with cooked eggs.

Carrots. They include vitamin A as well as B carotene which gives them that bright orange color and keeps vision at high levels. A lack of vitamin A can lead to dry eyes and fortunately it is also found in milk, cheese, yolk, liver and sweet potato.

Green tea. It provides countless benefits, including eye protection. In various researches that have been done, it has been shown that green tea increases cellular activity and protects against UV radiation.



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