
Treat varicose veins naturally

Blood vessel disease. The damage is found in the veins of any part of the body, especially the lower limbs.

Varicose veins show aneurysms, a tortuous course and insufficiency of their valves, resulting in blood pooling inside them.

The main causes of varicose veins are the disadvantageous structure of the valve wall, the various professional conditions (e.g. standing for long hours), the blockages of the veins from blood clots, injuries and inflammations as well as hormonal disorders of the body.

Heredity is another key factor.

Characteristic symptoms are the feeling of heaviness in the shins and easy fatigue when standing.

Over time, pain, itching and atrophy of the skin appear.

In advanced stages, swelling may occur in the lower extremities. In severe varicose veins you will see bleeding, varicose ulcers.

Calendula and witch hazel are used for normal blood vessel function and vein decongestion.

  • Calendula: Infusion of flowers and leaves, 2-3 cups of tea per day (20-30 grams in 1 liter of water)
  • Witch hazel: The use is made through various proprietary pharmaceutical preparations and following medical instructions (tincture, extract, etc.)


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